Homeowners keen to keep up with all the latest trends may wish to choose bathroom accessoriesthat help them achieve the newest aesthetic to cause a stir.

Writing for the Terrys Fabrics blog, Helen Green noted squaring is a hot look within the interior design world at the minute, with experts advising consumers to create sharp angles in their abodes.

So in regards to a bathroom, bathroom accessories could be just what are needed to help achieve the look.

Ms Green observed: Most contemporary and recent designs you see in homes now are very much about sharp edges and crisp, sleek and long lines.Ø

She explained that going for this look is not only simple to do, but it an also serve to open up a space, as well as impress visitors with its simplicity.

These perpendicular angles and strict shapes remind people that the items are there to serve a purpose or to hold something up, Ms Green added.

And people choosing new bathroom accessories may want to make sure the items are eco-friendly, as recent research from Consumer Focus found energy efficiency is among the top priorities for homebuyers at present.