Making improvements to a shower could be one way homeowners can make a big difference to the look and feel of their bathroom suites.

Writing for the Times Colonist, John Shultz noted altering a showerhead can enable people to make a significant upgrade to their bathroom at little effort.
The expert suggested shower enclosures are beginning to be viewed as separate entities, with individuals taking many factors into consideration when deciding what type to opt for.
He said: The shower is increasingly becoming an individualised experience, with water and wallet-saving features.Ø
Householders hoping to add shower cubicles will find they are able to do so in a manner that is either as difficult or easy, costly or inexpensive as they choose, Mr Shultz added.
The specialist noted showerheads can help to save water by reducing the flow rate and by pushing the stream out with greater force meaning users are less likely to notice the difference.
In a recent article for the Daily Telegraph, Rosie Murray-West claimed having a shower can be more environmentally-friendly than taking a long bath.